PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women during their reproductive years. It is estimated that up to 10% of women suffer from PCOS.
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. However, doctors believe it may be related to abnormal hormone levels and insulin resistance. Women with PCOS often have:
- Irregular or missed menstrual periods
- Excess androgen hormones like testosterone
- Ovaries that contain small collections of fluid called follicles
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of PCOS include:
- Irregular periods - This is often one of the first signs of the condition. The menstrual cycle may be absent, heavy, frequent, or unpredictable.
- Excess body and facial hair - High levels of androgens can cause increased hair growth known as hirsutism.
- Acne - Androgens can increase skin oil production and interfere with proper skin cell shedding, leading to acne.
- Weight gain - Insulin resistance and abnormal hormone levels disrupt the metabolic processes, often leading to weight gain. Losing this extra weight can be difficult.
- Thinning hair and hair loss - High levels of androgens can cause thinning hair and hair loss from the scalp.
- Darkening of skin - Dark patches of skin may develop from insulin resistance and diabetes risk.
Diagnosis often involves a pelvic exam, ultrasound scan of the ovaries, and blood tests to examine
hormone levels.
There is no cure yet for PCOS. But symptoms can often be managed through lifestyle changes and medications:
- Losing weight can help mitigate symptoms. Even losing 5-10% of body weight can regulate periods.
- Birth control pills can regulate periods and hormone levels.
- Fertility medications may be used combined with IVF or IUI to aid pregnancy.
- Diabetes medications treat insulin resistance and resulting symptoms.
- Hair removal treatments manage excess hair growth.
The earlier PCOS is diagnosed and treated, the lower the risks to long-term health. Without treatment, PCOS can contribute to
serious issues like diabetes, heart disease, depression, and endometrial cancer.
So in summary, PCOS is a complex disorder caused by hormone imbalances. It causes irregular periods, infertility, excess hair growth, weight gain, and other symptoms. Proper diagnosis and management of PCOS is essential to mitigate symptoms and reduce future health complications.